Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero


Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

Home > Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero (Inside the mountain - Dolomites between legend and geology)

Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia
Thursday 24 May 2012 (21.00h), presentation at the Alpstation in Bassano del Grappa of the book illustrated by Luisa Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia ("Inside the mountain, the Dolomites between legend and geology") with the author Paola Favero, the photographer Manrico Dell’Agnola, the President of the CAI Bassano Gianni Frigo and the music band Al Tei, that will play the ancient legends.

At the Alpstation site, sixteen original works of Luisa Rota Sperti will remain in exibition.

Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia

The Dolomites of Agordo recounted in the legends and described by Geology with 15 itineraries for rediscovering them on foot.
Foreword Ulrike Kindl
Paintings Luisa Rota Sperti
Geology Alberto Bertini
Portfolio Manrico Dell'Agnola
with a contribution by Vittorio Fenti

The paintings are made upon Schoeller cardboard with pencils, black and coloured leads and microleads (from 7h to 9b). Each drawings has a coloured "heart" (mainly monocrome) inspired by each legend: snake green, dwarf red, crevasse blue. The illustrations, in their absolute adherence to reality about the environment portrait, tells the legends in their oniric dimension: screaming rocks, human-shaped clouds that dance moving like snakes, trees that run after themselves. So this telling, in parallel to Paola's written words, is a nice game that each time is wonderful to repeat. (Luisa)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

Sommavida shines full of golden beauty at the doors of Aurona. The king-father, who chose gold and dark for her and his own subjects, is under the foot of the new king, who chooses the love of the princess. Blind eyes cut the darkness; the little bird, full of life, flies past a gold door that ruins. Colors in the painting: bright golden yellow.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The coal-makers of Bosch Brusà
The colors: red, rose, orange, grey (of the sand, gypsum, clay) dance to "weave" the clothing of the old dwarf (the red is known as the dwarfs' color). The coal-makers appear in a fierce and suspicious waiting handling their job tools. Rocks are everywhere: the cut rock goes scraming with the landslide. Colors in the paintings: dwarf red, oranges.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The last Delibana
The fire of the dwarfs in the mines, in the descent towards darkness, corrodes clothes and flesh, surges sneaking from the furnaces to search the child sky... There is an exhausted prince that roams in the caves: The sacrified lover and the daughter that will be have their glances away. Seven by seven, the Delibanes' dark years repeats, but the fellow looking at the girl has little in common with Snow White.
Color in the painting: reddish fire and amaranth.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

La Donaza e il Donazin
The sunset fire feeds itself of the blood from the broken fingers of two evil creatures: Donaza e Donazin, fantastic creatures with horrible customs. About Donazes witches, they said that they always wanted to spin and, in case of no wool available, they opened the stomachs and spinned the intestines of their victims... Mothers told their children not to eat much for supper because the Donazes would perforate their bellies with forks. In this painting, they are rightly punished by an astute woodman. Colors in the painting: bloody red and sunset.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The dragon of Pape peak
This delicious dragon flies joyously into the dawn light, while the Sun colors the sky with reds. The aunt, the girl and the whole Nature stand around the playful dragon that then wraps itself in the lake waters. It is a soft "feathered" dragon. Colors in the painting: reds of the dawn..

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The dragon of Coldai
It's a dragon with scales and seems to suck the alpine green color of the small lake... It's a huge dragon and it arises fear in the jumping cows (notoriously fearful animals), There is a little anxiety in the sheperds, only a little; a good understanding between the dragon and the rocks. Colors in the painting: green alpine dragon.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The legend of the Pale Mountains
The light is a golden one, to contrast black and white: the Princess proceeds, malinconic, towards the groom's kingdom that awaits her. In the sky, from the Star that encompasses, the lunar country slips on the girl's shoulders. The cloud-spaceship floats among the stars. In the cavern, the King of the dwarfs, jumping from rock to rock, spins the moonlight, so the dark monts became pale. Color in the painting: moonlight.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The lake of Agordo
Saint Martin, after his enterprise, controls the cut of his sword. His legs are very firm on the rocks he separated. In the core of the mountain, the parents of the child invoke the Saint. The lost child is rocked and protected by the blue womb of the water. In the distance, Agordo.
Color of the painting: blue water.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The Madonna of the snow and the Marmolada glacier
The divine creature dominates (and has a pagan moon as a halo) over the puzzled crowd. From kind fingers, snow like flower petals comes out, and covers old Mary (her name is quite a joke). The tempest roars while changing the fields into Marmolada's ice kingdom. The light blue is not the Virgin's mantle but the reflex of the crevasses in the glacier. Color in the painting: light blue crevasse.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The Masiere of Vedana
The "pilgrims" (Saint Peter and the Lord) emerge like ghosts and God's finger shows the child the screaming rock that, when hurt, will start hell under the mountain. To the divine wrath, it makes a contrast the life reborning, as seen in the Cordevole water that slips between the rocks and "wears" the child of pale blue reflexes. Colors in the painting: light blue from spring water.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The Burta Berta of Moschesìn
Fratel Batocio stays shocked upon the rock, fearful of his own power to evoke God's wrath. In the sky, between rock and dust, mines crumble. From the inner Earth, a putrid amalgama of meat, wood and rocks fall into the front melting with the flies and the wounded friar's vest; and there are the white bones... small donkeys quietly look at the human tragedy: between guilts and punishing there is no proportion...
Color in the painting: brown fat land.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The mut of Roncàz and of Mesaròz
There is a rose ternure flowing from sweet Martina's arm, she that died with her own love... From her, the color goes to merge towards the child to whom Messer Lodovico opened his brave casket. The old face is tired but the hand is firm and the miracle is reborn into the rock: in the beautiful Martina's face, Ico's (the sculptor) future. Color in the painting: rose of skin, then reds.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

King Ombro and Ombretta
Overwhelmed by a sad moon, the girl vanishes... rock into rock, with memories of flesh and stars. As a sad song: floats, appears, vanishes, now queen of the south wall till disappearing in the great wall itself. Dark clouds go from the small body to the sky. The sad light blue that folds her returns to shine into her beautiful eyes that open and look at us. Color in the painting: muted light blue.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

The fountains of Valiate
The secret song is modulated in the tender greens of delicate Pelna that lightly flies from the spring to the sky. The dwarf stays with his fabric, dreaming of his suit. Londo puts his cetra on the land, like the body of the lost girl, and he dies. Sheep look quietly; one of them is black. The spring shining at Pelna's feet goes into the broken land in the front. Color in the painting: tender greens of Pelna.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

San Lucano and Beata Vazza
The Saint, in his bishop attire, appears in the sky upon a bear, and also while admonishing poor thirsty Vazza, she will only become "beata", not "saint". Happy snakes dance mixing greens (green is the color of the magic creatures, the witched ones) with the spring waters. The Angel of the Lord is evanescent while a green little devil observes this procession of saints, waters and snakes.
Color in the painting: magic green snake.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

El Zerkantón and the levina de la Fava
Messier Felice and Fino entwistle their baskets, mocking Zerkantón that rages in the white spring sky. Over the hamlet, the holes in the mountain await the fall of the poor jester that robs and scares his fellow people. From the slipper, traditionally orange, a livid yellow goes up the big body while the stolen baskets scatter in the sky. Color in the painting: orange slipper towards yellowish.