Luisa Rota Sperti - Dreams in the wind


sogni nel vento

Home > Publications > Dreams in the wind (To be published)

As an evolution of the scarecrows game, Dreams in the wind is born.

It is a complex project wishing to enclose (but not to limit) like in a chest the experiences between creature and "creature".

professional photos (Daniele Lira e Marina Gallandra)
texts: Adelio Alquà, Carlo Caccia, Lorenza Biasetto
photo archives of the Progetto Iride by Les Cultures
photo archives: Angelo Cupini from the"Casa sul pozzo"
images from the drafts spaventapasseri calepino
a complete reproduction of the cataloghino closes the nice trip.

Dreams in the wind

Dreams in the wind

Dreams in the wind

Dreams in the wind

Dreams in the wind