Luisa Rota Sperti - (The Great Mountains)


Le Montagne grandi (THE GREAT MOUNTAINS)

Home > Le Montagne Grandi (The Great Mountains)

LE MONTAGNE GRANDI (The Great Mountains) - Exhibition package available n°2
From the Alps to the Hymalaian giants

This exhibit includes:

- Plates from the cycle Le Montagne grandi. Vette e Pareti: i Respinti. Dei, Guerrieri e Poeti: i Vinti....
(The Great Mountains. Peaks and walls: the Rejected. Gods, Warriors & Poets: Defeated...)

12 plates, little Alpine exhibition.
Various measures, from: 20x64 cm to 40x100 cm (vertical)

Plates from the cycle Le Montagne grandi. Vette e Pareti: i Respinti. Dei, Guerrieri e Poeti: i Vinti....
(The Great Mountains. Peaks and walls: the Rejected. Gods, Warriors & Poets: Defeated...)
Plates (Pencils upon Canson conservation paperboard)

- Because it's there (cm 40x100) - Everest
- Our most desired Peak (cm 37x96) - K2
- Die Brüder (cm 33x85) - Nanga Parbat
- Die weisse Spinne (cm 33x80) - Eiger
- Ah, les belles Montagnes! (cm 30x78) - Il Cervino
- Il Regno della Luna (cm 35x90) - Monte Bianco
- Gigiat .. tra stelle e tempeste (cm 30x80) - Pizzo Badile
- El Viento Azul (cm 26x75) - Patagonia
- Mani (cm 37x93) - Annapurna
- Dee (42x93) - Cho Oyu
- Cordata per il cielo (cm 20x64) - Civetta Parete Nord Ovest
- El capitán (26x80) - To-to-kon-oo-la

Each plate comes with a detail, with names and dates of the events shown.

The peculiarity of this graphic sign and of the base used do not allow a good reproduction of the subjects, so the author has decided to substitute them with the guides to the work readings.

Luisa Rota Sperti

A Guide to understand the pictures of this cycle:

Luisa Rota Sperti

Because it's there (cm 40x100) - Everest

Luisa Rota Sperti

Our most desired Peak (cm 37x96) - K2

Luisa Rota Sperti

Die Brüder (cm 33x85) - Nanga Parbat

Luisa Rota Sperti

Die weisse Spinne (cm 33x80) - Eiger

Luisa Rota Sperti

Ah, les belles Montagnes ! (cm 30x78) - Il Cervino

Luisa Rota Sperti

Il Regno della Luna (cm 35x90) - Monte Bianco

Luisa Rota Sperti

Gigiat .. tra stelle e tempeste (cm 30x80) - Pizzo Badile

Luisa Rota Sperti

El Viento Azul (cm 26x75) - Patagonia

Luisa Rota Sperti

Mani (cm 37x93) - Annapurna

Luisa Rota Sperti

Dee (cm 42x93) - Cho Oyu

Luisa Rota Sperti

Cordata per il cielo (cm 20x64) - Civetta Parete Nord Ovest

Luisa Rota Sperti

El capitán (26x80) - To-to-kon-oo-la